2-day Workshop with Marjorie

Awakening Movement

Sat 15/07/ 13-18h & Sun 16/07/ 18-18h 

(no single day possible)

Klick here to book


Awakening Movement  is a 10hrs immersion of free expression and movement, open to all.


This workshop will enhance your way of moving (in life and in any movement practice).

Awakening Movement has been created to bring your movement to the next level, expand your moving vocabulary, and expand the connection to Yourself and others.


Both the “Solo Journey”  (Day 1) and the “In Contact Journey”  (Day 2) are designed to invite the participants to tune in the deeper layers of the energetic of movement.⁣ With the intention to break up automatisms, you will learn new rhythms, expressions and ways to relate to your practice.⁣


Moving from the inside out, connecting with the ⁣dynamics of movement ⁣and embodying emotions.⁣


When was the last time you moved freely?


-Super beneficial approach for yoga teachers and movement practitioners of any types.⁣



It is NOT a Contact Improv nor a dance therapy session workshop, we will not work to learn CI skills.


This workshop mixes different backgrounds such as Ecstatic Dance, 5 Rhythms, Contact Improv as well as personal experiences and integration. Open to all Super beneficial approach for yoga teachers and movement practitioners of any types (if you have any injuries, please let us know).


Wear breathable, clean and comfortable clothes, bring a t-shirt or 2 to change and on day 2, long sleeve t-shirt and long pants are recommended.


Bring knee pads for more comfort, and a pair of socks too.


About Marjorie


Marjorie is a consciousness activist and movement lover. After studying the mind-body-soul connection for almost 20 years, she dedicates herself to support, both men and women, understand who they truly are, to reawaken a sense of Self ownership, love and power. Her approach is to create a safe place for people to heal their wounds.


With presence, a light heart and a laser cut vision, she guides others to peel and meet all the layers of their humanness. Her work is transformative and focuses on expanding consciousness and remembering one’s True Essence.


Her actual main offerings are:

Journey of Self-discovery through private 1:1 sessions 

Awakening Movement, a method that helps embody one’s True Essence through movement

The Art of Holding Space, is designed to initiate space holders to more sovereignty, integrity and wisdom in their offerings.


More about Marjorie to be found here (more soon).


Anmeldung direkt über unseren Kursplan zu den jeweiligen Terminen:

SuperEarlyBird bis 16.06.: 220 EUR

EarlyBird 17.06.-23.06.: 235 EUR

Standard ab 24.06.: 275 EUR



Zur Stunde bringe bitte immer gern deine eigene Matte (falls du keine Matte besitzt, dann kannst du dir auch kostenfrei (*) eine Matte im Studio leihen) und ein Getränk mit.


(*) Kostenfrei sind unsere Matten für unsere eigenen Mitglieder, gebuchten Teilnahmen über unseren Kursplan und Urban Sports Club L-Mitglieder verfügbar. Für Urban Sports Club M-Mitglieder beträgt die Leihgebühr je Teilnahme 1 EUR.